New Features

[XEROSUGAR-408] - Add reference column to Invoices sub panel on account and opportunity
[XEROSUGAR-409] - Default audit to false on the xero_last_sync field
[XEROSUGAR-413] - Add alerts when plugin is disconnected from Xero API
[XEROSUGAR-417] - Add contact name as a merge option for invoice templates
[XEROSUGAR-418] - when creating an email on invoice module add related contact email address
[XEROSUGAR-420] - When email is sent only send "Send To Contact" to Xero not entire invoice
[XEROSUGAR-421] - Improve the design on invoice record view
[XEROSUGAR-422] - Add contact relationship back to invoice creation on account and opportunity
[XEROSUGAR-423] - Improve invoice creation layout of accounts and opportunities

Bug Fixes

[XEROSUGAR-419] - Custom File override